Friday 27 November 2015

Black Friday!

Hello everyone!!!

How are you?? I hope you are well!!

This week we laughed a lot recording our voices!! Yuck!!! Lol!!

Do you know what's Black Friday??

Do you know when and what is Thanksgiving?? Please I want you to answer these questions for next week.

Then, no one has  made any challenge recently... So no one will win the trip to New York. Lol! Please make a challenge for next week too.

Thank you!!!

P.s. Remember to practice the story  with your beautiful voices!! :) :)

Thursday 19 November 2015

Let's study Unit 4! :)

Hello everyone!

This week there is nothing special in the blog. I want you to study a lot because as you all know there is an exam next week. ;)

Remember that:

-To make affirmative sentences in past we change the verb. If the verb is irregular we add -ed (play-played) , and if the verb is irregular we change it ( see-saw).

-To make negative sentences we use didn't + verb (in present). I didn't go to the beach yesterday.

-To make questions we use did + subject + verb (in present) . Did you meet Pepito yestarday?

Don't forget to study all the verbs!! :)

You can do it!!!

Have a nice weekend!!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Do you have any doubt? ;)

Hello everyone!!

How are you??

This week what I want you to do is ask doubts even if you don't have any. For example : Jack asks a doubt about past simple and Lilly explains it to him.

How do we make the "present continuous" in English2?

It is obligatory to write a doubt in the comments or in your notebook.

Have a nice weekend!!

P.s. Remember that you have to do the writing and that it's very important!! Work hard! ;)

Thursday 5 November 2015

It's your turn!! :)

Hello everyone!

How are you?

This week I want you to write your own entry for the blog. You have to imagine that the blog belongs to you and you have to write an entry.

Remember that you can make challenges to your classmates.

P.s. Here I give you another Harry Potter challenge. What was the name of the father of Harry Potter??

Have a nice weekend! :)