Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Thank you! Gràcies!

Hello everyone!!

Avui faré una excepció. Aquest nova entrada la faré en català.

Només us volia donar les gràcies per aquest curs. M'ho he passat moltíssim bé amb vosaltres i sempre us recordaré. Només us he tingut un any, però hem passat moltes hores junts i he de dir que estic molt contenta de la feina feta i del que m'heu aportat com a mestra.

Que passeu un molt bon estiu i gaudiu de les vacances!!

Be happy!!!

P.d. La pròxima entrada serà in English!!

I'll miss you!! Keep in touch!!


Friday, 17 June 2016

Hello hello!!! 3 days left of school!! Yeay!!!

Hello everyone!!

How are you?? I hope you are well.

This is the last week of school!! Are you happ??

This week I want you to tell me what are you going to do in summer. What are your plans for the summer??

And more challenges please!

One thing... Let's vote. Tell me if you want me to update the blog ever week in summer so we can talk to each other and explain what you are doing. What do you think??

Thank you!! Thank you!!

Be happy!!!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Hey hey hey!!

Hey you! How are you?
I hope you are well!!

This week I want to write suggestions of how we could change the blog for other students next year. 

And then Challenges! You know that the ones that answered more challenges correctly might have a higher mark.

Have a nice weekend!!

By the way, how was the visit to the high school? Did you like it?? Tell me, tell me! 

Be happy and ride the Dragon Khan! ;)