Saturday, 19 March 2016

We'll have holidays soon!! Yeay!!

Hello everyone!!

How are you? I hope you are well!!

This week I want you to spot the differences of this image, it's a very difficult exercise. (Lol!! )

And then I want you to do the challenges. Well done everyone!!!

P.s. 6th B, you did a very good job on your cooking shows!! Well done!!! (I'm clapping my hands!! )

I hope that on Monday 6th A will do a great job too!!

Have a nice weekend!!!


  1. My 1rst challenge is:what is the new song of Rihanna?
    My 2nd challenge is:it's very big and prehistoric.
    Had a nice weekkend.��������

  2. My challenge is: it's white and you can eat.
    My 2nd challenge is: have water and it's long.

  3. My challenge is: Which is the biggest country of Europe?
    My 2nd challenge is: Who made the Eiffel Tower?

  4. My challenge is :who was more of 100 programs in "pasapalabra"?What's his/her username?

  5. My challenge is:
    Who create Tom and Jerry???

  6. My challenge is:
    Which is the age limit to participate in the Olimpic Games?

  7. Which is the name of the dadof maute series " la que se avecina " ?

  8. Which is the name of the dadof maute series " la que se avecina " ?

  9. Hey!! Ester! I owe you a milion thanx. Hey guys, renember that I said that I did a regata in Ibiza? ell guess what? I won! We did 6 rounds and I scored: 5th, 2nd, 5th (sunday now), 2nd, 2nd, and 1st. The worst mark gets canceled (5th). So I ended up with 13 points( the less the better) and the guy that got 2nd place had 14 points so I juuuuuuuuuuuust made it to 1st place XD!!!!!!!!! And Ester tnx because you wished me luck; and shame on all you gust that didn't give me luck :P
    PS: I am bringing the trophie to class it's made by hand :) .
    I am going to tell you a magic trick and you have to cach me out, here it goes: any number x 2 + 30 : 2 - the number you first thaught of = 15 . Works with any number.

    1. Oh sorry that's me Connor just that I forgot to log out of my dad's account :D .

  10. My challenge is : what is the car from the movie " Back to the Future " ( Regreso al Futuro)

  11. My first challenge is: I can be brown, black, dark...
    My 2nd challenge is: I'm like a mobile phone but more big and with keys.

  12. Congratulations Connor!!! Well done!!

    Well done to everyone who wrote a challenge!! Yeay!


  13. My first challenge is:as it is called the super hero who killed the avengers

    My second challenge is:which it is the superhero that does little good and not evil

  14. Hello Ester my first challenges is how Many peoples are in russia?
