Sunday 27 December 2015

Holidays!!! :)

Hey everyone!!

How are you?? I hope you are enjoying your holidays!!

Tell me things, what do you do during the day?? Are you having fun??

Don't say anything about the film in here, because some of you didn't finish it. Did you like it??

Shall we play a game together??

I'll say a word and the next person to write has to write a word starting with the last letter of my last word. For example. I say ball, the next person to write has to write a word starting with L. Let's see how many words can we write. What do you think?

P.s. No one answered my last challenge about the film. Do you know the answer?

Have a great time!!! :) :)

Friday 18 December 2015

I need your help!! ;)

Hello everyone!!

I need your help!! :)

I want you to give me ideas of what to do on the blog or what to write about during the holidays. ;) Leave your messeage in the comments below.

What was your impression of what you've seen about the film SUPER 8?

Some of you haven't finished yet. Next week we'll try to finish it.

What do you think if we sing "All I want for Christmas is you"?

Ant last but not least, remember to bring challenges!!

Here you've got my challenge??

What's the new film based on a book written by J.K Rowling and which has a direct relation with the Wizard World?

P.S. I hope you have a nice weekend, remember that I'll be spending my weekend on the air, as I'll be fliying to Menorca on Saturday and I'll be flying back on Sunday again. ;)

Friday 4 December 2015

It's going to be Christmas soon!! :) :)

Hello everyone!!

How are you?? I hope you are well!!!

For this long weekend I want you to think about a Christmas song that we could sing in our class.

Remember to finish copying the story and read it at home.

We've got a few days of holiday yeahh!!! And I'm off to Menorca to see my family!!  :)  :)

I hope you have a great time.

See you next week!!

P.s. Do more challenges please!!! Only Connor and Abel have got two points!! ;)

P.s. 2: If you don't understand what you have to do, just ask and I'll try to explain it as soon as I can.